CBD liquid is like a normal e-cigarette liquid, but is a marijuana- or hemp-infused product (MIP), rather than a nicotine or tobacco product. The CBD liquid can be used as fluid for vaporizers, pen vaporizers or e-cigarettes. Because it only cannabidiol (CBD) isolate and tobacco or tar, it doesn’t present a health hazard and also provides a good alternative to cigarette smoking. Vaping CBD liquid is a convenient way of CBD intake, while also receiving the benefits of the healing properties of marijuana. In addition, CBD consumption doesn’t get a person high, as it does not contain THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) the psychoactive compound that gives you a ‘high’.
How is CBD Liquid Produced?
CBD is derived from hemp plants by extracting fatty acids from their stalks. These fatty acids contain fat-soluble substances such as cannabinoids, which come out of the plant, dissolved in oil. The products produced from this extraction are CBD hemp oil and CBD vape oil, where the latter is further processed into CBD liquid. Although CBD vape oil can already be utilized for vaping, some may find its taste too intense. CBD liquid is ideal as an alternative, as it gives the liquid with various pleasant flavors.
What’s in a Typical CBD Liquid?
CBD liquid, like other e-liquids or e-juices, should be homogeneous in nature; which in simple terms means the products should be well mixed, uniformed, balanced in content and not separated into different layers. Initially, CBD liquid does not mix with majority of e-liquid bases and becomes a separated layer. This creates uneven dosage being added to the vape pen, and in turn uneven amounts of CBD are consumed by the user every time.
To counteract CBD liquid separation, a base of propylene glycol (PG) and vegetable glycerol (VG) is added. VG has a variety of uses in food, cosmetic and drug industries. It serves as a humectant (a substance that retains of preserves moisture), a solvent and sweetener. PG also serves the same functions, and is widely used in the drug industry as a carrier ingredient in injectable, topical and oral drugs. Both VG and PG are clear, odorless, semi-viscous liquids that can effectively infuse CBD. When heated, the produce a vapor that can be inhaled as a carrier for ingredients like CBD and flavorings.
How Efficient is CBD Liquid Ingestion?
CBD liquid ingestion via intrapulmonary administration (i.e. vaporization or vaping) is considered as the most efficient way of taking CBD into the body. A study by researchers from Australia indicates that orally administered cannabinoids result in slow and erratic absorption with varying and limited bioavailability. Smoking carries risk of toxicity and loss of active drug by combustion. Intravenous administration is invasive and carries risk of contamination. Intrapulmonary administration has the highest efficiency of absorption as it avoids the risks of toxic compounds resulting from burning CBD and other chemicals. This results in fast onset of action and high systemic bioavailability.
Simply put, eating CBD can be hit or miss; injecting CBD is dangerous; smoking is inefficient and dangerous; vaping is the best option in terms of absorbability. Thus, CBD liquid vaporization is an effective way of medical consumption.
CBD liquid not only goes with the current trend of vaporizers and e-cigarettes, it also shows promise when it comes to efficiency in drug delivery. There is much hype and excitement in the medical field over the many benefits of the CBD. The research for the maximum utilization of the CBD and its benefits can be considered to be at its infancy. There is still so much potential to unlock, and CBD liquid is just scratching the surface.
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